IATSE Local 478, AFL-CIO
IATSE Local 478, AFL-CIO

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Hardship Assistance
Jan 12, 2022

COVID-19 Hardship Resources & COVID-19 Annuity Withdrawal

Hardship Resources

Annuity Hardship Withdrawals from the IATSE National Benefit Fund

More Information about the Foundations

COVID-19 Hardship Resources

If you are experiencing hardship due to the COVID-19 shutdown, you may be eligible for the following assistance.

Actors Fund

Actor’s Fund is the main route for distributing emergency financial assistance to help IATSE members in immediate financial need due to COVID-19 and Natural Disasters right now. Find out more here! 

IATSE 478 can help you with this application. Contact Simonette for questions, proof of union membership (if you don’t have your card), and a list of your work history. sberry@iatse478.org (504) 486-2192 Ext. 207

In addition, The Actors Fund has compiled a list of COVID-19 resources that may be helpful to IATSE members and also offers free online workshops, groups, and seminars on career, financial wellness, health insurance, affordable housing, and more. You can opt-in to receive The Actors Fund’s monthly e-blast for the most up-to-date seminar schedule. Visit www.actorsfund.org to learn more.


Click here for The Arts Council of New Orleans list of possible grants and resources.

COVID-19 Annuity Withdrawal:

Annuity hardship withdrawals have been extended to include a new category of hardship withdrawals to assist those of you who have been affected by COVID-19. If you have lost work, been laid off, or had other losses or expenses due to the virus, you are eligible for immediate withdrawal in the amount of your loss. 

HOWEVER, please understand the full tax and repayment implications for withdrawing funds from your annuity.  This is not a decision to be taken lightly. To explore your options, visit: https://www.iatsenbf.org/ 

In order to obtain an application, you can email benefits@iatse478.org or call 504-486-2192 ext. 206, or email the National Benefits Fund directly at Annuity@iatsenbf.org  

Annuity Update: Coming Soon 

Withdraw from your Annuity: go to page 10 of this document for more information on Annuity Withdrawals http://www.iatsenbf.org/assets/Uploads/2019Docs/Annuity-SPD-4.18.2019.pdf 

Explore your Annuity Fund: https://www.iatsenbf.org/annuity/annuity-fund/ 

Click Here for Annuity-Related Forms

We recommend you speak to our Benefits department before you withdraw from your annuity. Contact benefits@iatse478.org or call 504-486-2192 Ext. 206

Hardship Resources

Options for Hardship: 

  • Apply for a Dues Hardship: 4 Quarters of Dues paid by the Local. Members can apply for Dues Hardship only once. During each Local 478 meeting, only one Dues Hardship may be brought before the membership for approval. Email sect@iatse478.org to request a dues hardship. 

  • Apply for a Dues Hardship due to Medical Leave: 4 Quarters of Dues paid by the Local. Members can only apply for Dues Hardship once. Medical Dues Hardships, however, are not limited in how many can be brought before the membership during a single meeting. Email sect@iatse478.org and benefits@iatse478.org to request a dues hardship due to Medical Leave.

  • Apply for Hardship Funds through the Welfare Committee: Apply for Hardship Funds to help with basic living expenses. Reasons people apply for hardship include but are not limited to serious illness, injury, fire, natural disasters, and other major life events/financial stressors. We often recommend that you also apply for aid through the Foundations as well. More information HERE: Applying for Aid through the IATSE Local 478 Welfare Committee

  • Apply for Aid through the Foundations: The Actor’s Fund, the Will Rodgers Motion Picture Pioneer’s Foundation, and Behind the Scenes (more information on these below). 

  • Withdraw from your Annuity: Scroll down to page 10 of THIS DOCUMENT for more information on Annuity Withdrawals

Please email benefits@iatse478.org or call 504-486-2192 ext. 206. for more information and assistance. 

 or call 504-486-2192 ext. 206 for assistancebenefits@iatse478.orgPlease contact 

Annuity Hardship Withdrawals from the IATSE National Benefit Fund

Please understand the full tax and repayment implications for withdrawing funds from your annuity.  This is not a decision to be taken lightly. To explore your options, visit: https://www.iatsenbf.org/

Withdraw from your Annuity: Go to page 10 of THIS DOCUMENT for more information on Annuity Withdrawals 

Explore your Annuity Fund Here!

In order to obtain an application, you can email benefits@iatse478.org or call 504-486-2192 ext. 206, or email the National Benefits Fund directly at Annuity@iatsenbf.org 

Annuity Update: Coming Soon

Click Here for Annuity-Related Forms

We recommend you speak to our Benefits department before you withdraw from your annuity.

Contact benefits@iatse478.org or call 504-486-2192 Ext. 206

More Information about the Foundations:

The Actors Fund is a national human services organization that fosters stability and resiliency, and provides a safety net for performing arts and entertainment professionals over their lifespan. Programs include social services and emergency financial assistance, health care and insurance counseling, housing, and secondary employment and training services.

Click Here to Learn More!

The Pioneers Assistance Fund (PAF) serves members of the motion picture entertainment industry (exhibition, distribution and trade services) who are encountering an illness, injury or life-changing event. All assistance is intended to provide support during a recovery or adjustment period and lay the foundation for a lifetime of ongoing success.

Click Here to Learn More!

Behind the Scenes provides financial assistance to entertainment technology professionals who are seriously ill or injured. To qualify you must have earned your living in the industry for at least five years. Grants may be used for basic living and medical expenses. Grants are also available if you have a spouse, domestic partner or dependent child who is ill or injured.

The Behind the Scenes Counseling Fund provides grants to entertainment technology professionals who would like to initiate or support ongoing counseling or participate in an in-patient or out-patient recovery program.

Click Here to Learn More

IATSE Local 478
511 N. Hennessey St.
New Orleans, LA 70119
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